

By Culinary Academy Las Vegas January 27, 2016


昨天中午,烹饪学院热闹非凡. 穿着西装、戴着高科技耳机的男人在走廊里走来走去, 手持相机的记者们挤进了会议室, 当学生和工作人员拍松枕头,在最后一刻调整他们的工作站时, excited calls of “Is she here yet?” rang through the hallways. This wasn’t a typical day at the academy; it was the day staff and students would meet a very special—and famous—guest: Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton.

尽管这些年来,学院的厨房和大厅里出现过几张名人的面孔, including President Obama and Senator Reid, 这是第一次有前第一夫人和总统候选人来访, 这让学生和教职员工在紧张的期待中坐立不安.

“这很伤脑筋,”2区学生里卡多·罗兰(Ricardo Rolan)愉快地微笑着承认. “我们必须练习,并确保我们的制服特别平整和干净. I mean, they always have to pressed and clean, but we had to make sure everything looked extra perfect.”

Mark Narang, another Block 2 student, agreed, 他说:“每个人都确保一切都干净整洁.”

Students working to make sure everything is perfect
The calm before the storm

CALV students, racing to their positions. It was show time!Soon, 特勤局开始平静地引导大家就位,里卡多、马克和其他学生被一群记者和摄影师加入, who immediately began filming and snapping photos. 厨师查尔斯·考德威尔和学生们开始了他们的蛋黄酱烹饪示范, 在查尔斯主厨的指导和鼓励下搅拌和测量. 在这么一大群人面前工作,里卡多有点不好意思, 但他尽力不去理会那些咔嗒咔嗒的摄像机、媒体观众和保安,专注于手头的任务. “I’m not used to being in the spotlight,” he explained.

Students feverishly whisk as the press watch
She’s here!

All of a sudden, a small commotion erupted. Secretary Hillary had been spotted through the window, causing the energy in the room to escalate, as camera men and women stood on tip toes, cameras high above their heads, and everyone looked towards the door, anxious to catch a first glimpse.

然后突然,就像这样,希拉里出现在房间里. While smiling and admiring the students’ work, 希拉里采访了厨师查尔斯和学生卡拉·拉米雷斯(Karla Ramirez),了解他们来到这所学校的原因以及他们对未来的计划, as well as what the curriculum entailed.

厨师查尔斯向希拉里解释说,看到他的学生走向成功的职业生涯是多么的伟大, 他解释说他去看望了几个学生,他们现在在拉斯维加斯的著名餐馆工作, including Lago and Harvest. 他解释说:“看到我的学生们欢声笑语,真是太棒了。. “我意识到他们取得了多大的进步,他们已经走了多远.”

Hillary smiled and nodded. “那一定让你感觉很好,”她承认.

卡拉·拉米雷斯(Karla Ramirez)也与希拉里分享了她的故事,她就是一个很好的例子. 她高中一毕业就开始在烹饪学院上课,并在完成厨房管家培训项目后被签名酒店聘用.

Though Hillary wanted to stay for the mayonnaise, her tour wasn’t over, and staff swiftly directed her into the kitchen, where she interviewed Chef Patrick Simon. 她还采访了退休兽医兼学生爱德华·迪克森, 对爱德华说,美国应该为残疾退伍军人提供更多的机会. 就在那时,希拉里看到了阿普丽尔·麦金托什和她的团队,他们正在附近做蔬菜千层面.

“What are you making?希拉里想知道,饶有兴趣地检查着他们的菜肴. While some of the others stared wordlessly, nervous and starstruck, April answered calmly, “Butternut squash vegetable lasagna”, 然后回答了有关她管理一家餐厅六年经验的问题. 阿普丽尔习惯于和名人一起工作,她过去曾为《澳门官方十大网投平台》工作过. “She’s just a human being,” April explained later. “No reason to be nervous!”

阿普丽尔的游说一定奏效了,因为她赢得了希拉里点头表示赞同. “也许哪天我也能尝尝你们的菜,”希拉里对大家说.

接下来是酒店套房走廊的一个房间, where Hillary met with Anna Tavera, the lead hospitality instructor, as well as eight hospitality students, who stood proudly in front of the pristinely-made beds.

Hillary asked Anna “How long you been an instructor?和“你们有来自世界各地的学生,你们最大的挑战是什么??安娜像经验丰富的专业人士一样轻松地回答了希拉里的所有问题. 当安娜解释她的学生所经历的成功时, Hillary commented, “That’s exciting and wonderful,并告诉所有学生,他们对未来的计划听起来“非常令人兴奋”.”

Before leaving, 希拉里对在场的每一个人都报以鼓励的微笑, saying, “我祝你们一切顺利,因为你们获得了出去找工作所需的技能.”

希拉里最后会见了戴维·霍尼韦尔, Chair of CALV, 巴利巴黎和好莱坞星球的区域总裁, in The Westside Bistro (因为不去小酒馆就不算完整的旅行!).

Ana Puljic, our Director of Programs & 在参观结束时,他和希拉里一起笑了.

After her motorcade had pulled away, taking with it the teams of secret service and press, 同学们和老师们互相祝贺,第一印象很好. Though it was a surreal experience, for Chef Charles and students Edward Dixon, Ricardo Rolon and Mark Narang, it was an unforgettable one as well.

“这是一个有趣的人生机遇,”爱德华说. 马克表示同意,他说:“在我们的空间看到总统候选人是一次独特的经历.”

Chef Charles had an even more enthusiastic response, grinning ear-to-ear and saying, “It was a pleasure to meet her. It was definitely one of those life highlights. I’m glad I had the opportunity.”

我们希望希拉里也很高兴有机会见到我们! We certainly all were!

我们的董事会成员和社区合作伙伴必须与部长快速自拍. Can you blame ’em?
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